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Traditional and discount brokers
Trading Strategies

Traditional and discount brokers

A broker is an intermediary company between an investor and an exchange. More precisely, it executes investor’s orders on his/her trading account. There are two main types of brokers: traditional and discount.Traditional broker / Full service brokers...

Mary Wild
Published on: 17.05.2021 10:00 (UTC)
Traders and investors
Trading Strategies

Traders and investors

In the stock market there exist the concepts of trading and investing, which are often perceived as the same. In fact, they have some similarities, since a trader and an investor make transactions in the financial market with the aim to make a profit...

Andela Novotna
Published on: 13.05.2021 13:54 (UTC)
Top Rated Forex Brokers
Trading Strategies

Top Rated Forex Brokers

 Nowadays there are so many Forex brokers that it is becoming quite confusing to choose the right one. They are quite similar, providing at first sight different trading conditions and instruments, but yet quite similar, that makes the choice mo...

Andela Novotna
Published on: 13.05.2021 17:27 (UTC)
Top Forex Brokers
Trading Strategies

Top Forex Brokers

Top Forex brokers correspond to certain criteria that are defined by traders and are determined by clients’ interests. These criteria are based on different aspects, starting from services to trading conditions brokers offer. Learn more about What is...

Andela Novotna
Published on: 13.05.2021 17:18 (UTC)
Successful traders: Warren Buffett’s Millionaires Club
Trading Strategies

Successful traders: Warren Buffett’s Millionaires Club

Warren Buffett is probably the most influential and famous investor. He is ranked third in the list of the Forbes World's Billionaires of 2016. The irreplaceable chairman of one of the largest companies in the world Berkshire Hathaway began to trade...

Andela Novotna
Published on: 16.10.2020 12:25 (UTC)


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